The Masses


From this scrum emerges a PRACTICAL WOMAN. She separates from the group, tone changes, she speaks to us confidentially about her Black Friday preparations:

I don't know about all that. What I know is, my husband goes fishing. And he goes hunting. And he gets himself all worked up, all worked up, chasing around whatever. I don't need to shoot an animal, that's not my thing. I get myself prepared, I look everything up before I go, I KNOW where I'm going to go once I get inside, I have a map in my head. For when I get in the store. For the night before I bring a folding chair, two blankets, a gallon of water, sometimes I bring a whole loaf of bread, it's not heavy, and cheese or peanut butter, for other people too. Some of us do that. And then I wait, and, then, then they open the doors and I. I'm not saying it's like hunting, but I'm light on my feet, I know how to move through people, it's intuition, it's, you gotta go with your gut, and I get -- I mean. I walk away with a Toshiba, forty-nine inches, LED, HDTV, a hundred and forty nine dollars - what? Yeah. That's what I'm walking away with. People don't want to put effort in anymore. You don't like the crowds, don't come. It's not for everybody.

new york university


The Hour of Feeling


Across the Water